鍍金池/ 教程/ Linux/ Unix 有用命令
UNIX 文件權(quán)限/訪問模式
UNIX 系統(tǒng)性能
UNIX 管道和過濾器
UNIX 進(jìn)程管理
Shell 內(nèi)置數(shù)學(xué)函數(shù)
UNIX 環(huán)境
UNIX 文件管理
UNIX 網(wǎng)絡(luò)實(shí)用工具
UNIX 系統(tǒng)日志
UNIX 目錄管理
Unix 基本工具(打印,電子郵件)
UNIX 用戶管理
UNIX 信號(hào)和陷阱
Unix 正則表達(dá)式SED
Unix 文件系統(tǒng)基礎(chǔ)
Unix 有用命令

Unix 有用命令


$man command



命令 描述
cat Display File Contents
cd Changes Directory to dirname
chgrp change file group
chmod Changing Permissions
cp Copy source file into destination
file Determine file type
find Find files
grep Search files for regular expressions.
head Display first few lines of a file
ln Create softlink on oldname
ls Display information about file type.
mkdir Create a new directory dirname
more Display data in paginated form.
mv Move (Rename) a oldname to newname.
pwd Print current working directory.
rm Remove (Delete) filename
rmdir Delete an existing directory provided it is empty.
tail Prints last few lines in a file.
touch Update access and modification time of a file.



命令 描述
awk Pattern scanning and processing language
cmp Compare the contents of two files
comm Compare sorted data
cut Cut out selected fields of each line of a file
diff Differential file comparator
expand Expand tabs to spaces
join Join files on some common field
perl Data manipulation language
sed Stream text editor
sort Sort file data
split Split file into smaller files
tr Translate characters
uniq Report repeated lines in a file
wc Count words, lines, and characters
vi Opens vi text editor
vim Opens vim text editor
fmt Simple text formatter
spell Check text for spelling error
ispell Check text for spelling error
ispell Check text for spelling error
emacs GNU project Emacs
ex, edit Line editor
emacs GNU project Emacs
emacs GNU project Emacs



命令 描述
compress Compress files
gunzip Uncompress gzipped files
gzip GNU alternative compression method
uncompress Uncompress files
unzip List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
zcat Cat a compressed file
zcmp Compare compressed files
zdiff Compare compressed files
zmore File perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text


各種UNIX手冊(cè)和文檔上線。下面的 Shell 命令給出的信息:

命令 描述
apropos Locate commands by keyword lookup
info Displays command information pages online
man Displays manual pages online
whatis Search the whatis database for complete words.
yelp GNOME help viewer



命令 描述
ftp File transfer program
rcp Remote file copy
rlogin Remote login to a UNIX host
rsh Remote shell
tftp Trivial file transfer program
telnet Make terminal connection to another host
ssh Secure shell terminal or command connection
scp Secure shell remote file copy
sftp secure shell file transfer program



UNIX 系統(tǒng)支持的屏幕上的消息給其他用戶和世界各地的電子郵箱:

命令 描述
evolution GUI mail handling tool on Linux
mail Simple send or read mail program
mesg Permit or deny messages
parcel Send files to another user
pine Vdu-based mail utility
talk Talk to another user
write Write message to another user



    命令 描述
    dbx Sun debugger
    gdb GNU debugger
    make Maintain program groups and compile programs.
    nm Print program's name list
    size Print program's sizes
    strip Remove symbol table and relocation bits
    cb C program beautifier
    cc ANSI C compiler for Suns SPARC systems
    ctrace C program debugger
    gcc GNU ANSI C Compiler
    indent Indent and format C progr
    上一篇:Unix下一篇:UNIX 進(jìn)程管理