鍍金池/ 教程/ Scala/ Spec2 可選的 Matcher(匹配運(yùn)算)
Spec2 可選的 Matcher(匹配運(yùn)算)
測試結(jié)果 Results
Specs2 的設(shè)計(jì)思想
Fragments API 簡介
Spec2 內(nèi)置的 Matcher(匹配運(yùn)算)

Spec2 可選的 Matcher(匹配運(yùn)算)

除了之前介紹的 Spec2 內(nèi)置的 Matcher, 針對不同的功能,Spec2 還提供了一些可選的 Matcher,比如:


如果你需要其它 Matcher 的結(jié)果:

// you need to extend the ResultMatchers trait
class MatchersSpec extends Specification with matcher.ResultMatchers { def is =
  "beMatching is using a regexp" ! {
    ("Hello" must beMatching("h.*")) must beSuccessful


用于檢測 XML 的 Matcher

beEqualToIgnoringSpace compares 2 Nodes, without considering spaces
<a><b/></a> must ==/(<a><b/></a>)
<a><b/></a> must beEqualToIgnoringSpace(<a><b/></a>)
beEqualToIgnoringSpace can also do an ordered comparison
must ==/().ordered
on the other hand beEqualToIgnoringSpace will not check attributes order
must ==/()
\ is an XPath-like matcher matching if a node is a direct child of another
must \("b")
You can also check attribute names
must \("b","name")
And attribute names and values as well (values are checked using a regular expression, use the quote method if you want an exact match)
must \("b","n"->"v","n2"->"v\d")
Or the content of a Text node
hello must \("a")\>"hello" (alias textIs)
hello must \("a")\>~"h.*" (alias textMatches)
The equivalent of \ for a “deep” match is simply \\
must \\("c")


用來檢測 Json 字符串的 Matcher

/(value) checks if a value is present at the root of the document. This can only be the case if that document is an Array
/(regex) checks if a value matching the regex is present at the root of the document. This can only be the case if that document is an Array
/(key -> value) checks if a pair is present at the root of the document. This can only be the case if that document is a Map
*/(value) checks if a value is present anywhere in the document, either as an entry in an Array, or as the value for a key in a Map
*/(key -> value) checks if a pair is present anywhere in a Map of the document
/#(i) selects the ith element in a 0-based indexed Array or a Map and allow further checks on that element

Now the interesting part comes from the fact that those matchers can be chained to search specific paths in the Json document. For example, for the following document:

// taken from an example in the Lift project
val person ="""{
  "person": {
    "name": "Joe",
    "age": 35,
    "spouse": {
      "person": {
        "name": "Marilyn",
        "age": 33

You can use these combinations:

person must /("person")*/("person") /("age"->33.0)// by default numbers are parsed as Doubles

You can as well use regular expressions or String matchers instead of values to verify the presence of keys or elements. For example:

person must /("p.*".r)*/".*on".r /("age"->"\\d+\\.\\d".r)
person must /("p.*".r)*/".*on".r /("age"-> startWith("3"))
person must /("p.*".r)*/".*on".r /("age"->(be_>(30)^^((_:String).toInt)))
Finally you can access some records by their index:

person must /("person")/# 2 / "person"



beEqualToIgnoringSep checks if 2 paths are the same regardless of their separators
"c:\temp\hello" must beEqualToIgnoringSep("c:/temp/hello")
beAnExistingPath checks if a path exists
beAReadablePath checks if a path is readable
beAWritablePath checks if a path is writable
beAnAbsolutePath checks if a path is absolute
beAHiddenPath checks if a path is hidden
beAFilePath checks if a path is a file
beADirectoryPath checks if a path is a directory
havePathName checks if a path has a given name
haveAsAbsolutePath checks if a path has a given absolute path
haveAsCanonicalPath checks if a path has a given canonical path
haveParentPath checks if a path has a given parent path
listPaths checks if a path has a given list of children
exist checks if a file exists
beReadable checks if a file is readable
beWritable checks if a file is writable
beAbsolute checks if a file is absolute
beHidden checks if a file is hidden
beAFile checks if a file is a file
beADirectory checks if a file is a directory
haveName checks if a file has a given name
haveAbsolutePath checks if a file has a given absolute path
haveCanonicalPath checks if afile has a given canonical path
haveParent checks if a file has a given parent path
haveList checks if a file has a given list of children

等等,如果 Spec2 內(nèi)置或是可選的 Matcher 還是不滿足你的要求,你還是自定義 Matcher,本系列就不介紹了。